A little bit about me and my blog:

Twice as Yummy, simply put, is a place for me to share all things yummy — and all of the culinary adventures I’ve experienced along the way.  My first blog was an homage to being single: Single in the City Eats, cooking for one and the journey that ensued.  Things have changed since then, and so has my blog.  For starters, the name: Twice as Yummy which means I am no longer cooking for one — hence the “twice”.

My love for food and everything culinary began at a very young age, the foundation rooted deeply within my genes, passed down from my grandmother.  ‘Apple pie’ were two of my very first words (according to Nana) , and throughout her life she continued to introduce me to food, cooking-from-scratch techniques, and using the freshest ingredients 

My food education began innocently enough, by watching ‘The Galloping Gourmet’ and Julia Child on television (the only cooking programs available back then), and it exploded when the Food Network launched.  My inherent curiosity about food, ingredients and how they work together to make anything taste incredible (along with my desire for perfection) helped to solidified my passion. Perfection is something that eludes us as cooks; something that can be perpetually sought after, but never fully achieved.  There is always something more to learn, something new to taste, a new ingredient or technique to master.  And so, my obsession continues, and will for a very long time.  It’s in my nature.